Euroz is a Las Vegas creative who's made his name as a soulful rapper who dabbles in R&B. A highlight of his year was when he appeared on Pro Bowl tight end Darren Waller's album, "Delusions of Clarity." Having his feature on "Stay Close" as part of the album was a surprise to Euroz, who was impressed at the football player's ability to craft a full-length project. After building with Waller and watching him take ownership of his voice, Euroz believes "he has hit record potential."
He says that the Las Vegas Raiders have brought a new sense of excitement to the city as the community is enjoying the presence of other professional teams with the Las Vegas Aces in the WNBA and the Las Vegas Golden Knights in the NHL. The city also has a bubbling music scene, although it lacks a sense of cohesiveness. He says that he didn't even know Baby Keem was from the city at first. But despite the lack of structured community with local artists, he continues to build with people like Dizzy Wright and takes advantage of the proximity to Los Angeles.
Euroz also finds a great sense of purpose in being a father and helps his son grow as a football player. A lesson he's learned from fatherhood is patience, which is something he's applied to his music as he prepares thoughtful rollouts for his next creations.
We chatted with Euroz about all of the above. Check out the conversation below:
What was it like connecting with Darren Waller? How did you get in touch with him in the first place?
Euroz: I believe he reached out beginning of last year, like March 2020. And this was like right before the Raiders had played their first season, he just reached out like, "I've been listening to your music," I think he said since "So Real," so like 2014. And he was just like, you know, "I do music, I produce, I actually play for the Raiders. I had a record for you in mind. I'll send it through if you like it." And I gave him my email. I kind of didn't really know what to expect. How can I say this, there's a kind of negative connotation that comes with athletes who do music. You know, I wasn't really expecting much. I was just kind of flattered more so. So when I heard the record, I was like oh, this is actually a pocket I could fit in. So I was actually impressed with him choosing that record to have me on. I sent it back like the next day or so. It was legit, really honestly.
That's cool! I know like you said there's kind of this stereotype that any basketball player or football player thinks they can rap. But it seems even the fact that he knew your music and he produces means he values the actual craft of it.
Euroz: Exactly, exactly. I mean, when I think about like, athletes who do music, there's only probably, I mean, I could be so wrong, but I think there's three that stand out that I think as an artist are good. [Damian] Lillard is one of them. Waller is definitely one of them. I was surprised like I've heard records. I've linked him with my producer Reezy and he went to the studio a couple of times, but he played some stuff that I just was like, wow. I had no idea. I'm talking about just from an artistry perspective. Like, I don't know, it's kind of hard to make records. I feel like he's not just a rapper and he has hit record potential. He really knows, he understands certain concepts of what's easy on the ear, production. He gets it all. I've heard like every type of style, but he makes it his own. It's not like he's all over the place. That's what I was surprised about the most is like okay, he actually got his own style, his own voice, his own tone. So those are the things that stood out to me the most, especially with someone who, it's not their first thing like you know, football is his thing. If you hear the music you would expect it to be like this is more than just a hobby from this what this sonically just how it sounds. It sounds more than a hobby when you listen to his music.
Yeah, for sure. It's impressive. And yeah, even his album is like has a bit of variety, but it's so cohesive. The song you're on, "Stay Close" is kind of like a more love song, maybe more personal, but was your inspiration or vision when he gave it to you?
Euroz: He just, he sent it with his verse on there and I saw the title, "Stay Close." It was off the glass. You know, it was a layup. I could pull from past relationships or anything. I was just an easy record. It wasn't really much inspiration, it was a record that when I heard it, it was, "Okay, I like this pocket. I like the tempo." And just from hearing it, I could kind of see what he was trying to say, where he wanted to go with the record. So it wasn't really hard to just tap in on that same frequency."
Yeah, even your new single "Flawless" is kind of that same lane.
Euroz: It came out about the same time. So that's why I was like oh, this is perfect, I'm about to drop "Flawless." I didn't even know he was going put that record on the album because we did it, like I said, we did it last year early in the year, so did it and that was it. We just built ever since but we never really talked about the song. He never told me like, "Yo it's gonna be on the album." He never really told me he was making an album. I've heard certain records here and there. I heard the potential and I was just excited for whatever he dropped. But yeah, so that was a surprise. It was dope, though.
Yeah, yeah. An album is a whole commitment. Like it's one thing to drop a single here, a video there.
Euroz: Exactly, I really sat back and gave it some time. I didn't know what to expect. Like wow, he got an album dropping? I thought it was like a single because I was getting tagged [on social media]. So the next day when I went on my account I was like oh he must have dropped the song. And he dropped the album. I was like, oh shit, okay. I like the album, it's dope. He had a couple joints on there that I liked. I'm pretty sure you know this, but he produces too.
For you being from Las Vegas and the Raiders moving to Las Vegas, that was kind of a hot topic when they first announced that, but what's it like having a football team in this city?
Euroz: It's been crazy. You know, I feel like California moved with them, Northern California. I feel like it's definitely the population expanded. I wonder what the numbers are. But just from the traffic, from the parking you could definitely see. And even not just with the Raiders but like the Aces just really starting to get those teams you're starting to see the city expand in more ways than one. So it's been good. I think it's definitely been positive overall. I mean, they definitely add a lot of culture to the city. Because you know, Vegas, it's glorified for The Strip, the nightlife entertainment capital, but like it's so much more to the city. I just, you know, the Raiders and Aces and, they talk about an NBA team. Hopefully. That's what I really want. I want an NBA team bad. We all want one so bad. But we'll settle for the Raiders. We love the Raiders. Not a bad team to settle for. I like black and silver, those are like my favorite colors, too.
It's definitely a team with so much history. It's not like they started a whole new team that you have to build.
Euroz: Yeah, for sure.
I know you're plugged into the Las Vegas music community. Dizzy Wright was on your last album "Choices, Chances & Changes." What's that just been like, you know, it's not quite L.A. or New York with the history of hip hop, but I know there is a vibrant rap scene in Las Vegas.
Euroz: There is, there is. And now like you're seeing, I don't even know how to say this, because I'm seeing that he's gotten a lot of notoriety, I just, I genuinely had no idea he was from Vegas, but Baby Keem. I had no idea. That's no shade at him. That's just how Vegas is to be honest. I've said this before in an interview and it kind of ruffled feathers, but like Vegas doesn't have a scene like that. You do have artists in Vegas who create music who are good who have potential but I've been to other cities like Atlanta, L.A., these other cities, they have a scene. They have a multitude of places you could perform. They're not super strict on who performs on The Strip. Vegas has its reasons you know, there was things that happened in the past, certain shows got shot up and I'm pretty sure like, especially with The Strip, I think there's a little bit of messing up the business. So they're really particular unless an artist like had a number one hit I'd imagine and blew up and it's different.
But yeah, overall, there's a lot of talent out here and I actually like the fact that like a Baby Keem is breaking through the mold, because it just brings spotlight and makes people question, "Oh, he's from Vegas. I wonder what the scene there is like." I mean, in terms of the talent that lies here, it's a lot of talent you wouldn't believe, especially if you're just coming out here to visit. There's no scene. It's so hard to explain. Like there's really no scene, there's just people in the city, myself, Dizzy, LandLord, you know, there's some artists, Baby Keem, of course. There's artists who are getting past that glass ceiling I guess you could say. But it's still like, when you look at Vegas, you can't point to, there's not a whole bunch of multi-media companies. There's just now people doing podcasts out here and trying to create platforms, but there's no labels, there's none of that out here. It's just the entertainment capital. And from that perspective, it's a world-renowned city. But musically, it's just kind of like scattered talent out and whoever creates their noise or collaborates and kind of creates this momentum, you could say you're from Vegas but there's still not like [a scene]. You think of St. Louis, you think of Chingy, Nelly. But to answer your question, in short, the scene, there's definitely not a lack of talent here. Definitely talent, a lot of talent here. I think with the Raiders being out here, it's gonna definitely help for sure. And all that helps, kind of building a culture in Vegas in terms of the music, musical aspect.
I know other cities will pick up local rappers to help them do promo videos or, you know, the sports teams. So, I mean, that's definitely hopefully an opportunity for you and other artists.
Have you ever been tempted to move to another city for those opportunities or what's kind of kept you in Vegas?
Euroz: Yes, and no, because I've thought about the Cali move. But I live four hours away. So I was just like, you know, anything I really need, if the demand for me was to be there, then I would and, you know, I've had meetings. That's usually what happens if you sign a contract, you got to be kind of closer to the label, so that you can kind of do things. And if that was the case, that was probably the only sacrifice that I would make. But I just feel like if I'm not signed, and I'm not like, just picking up and moving to L.A., that's not, I feel like I would much rather just stick it out here and put my best foot forward because I still don't feel like I put my best foot forward, you know?
I feel like if you go to L.A., you're still a transplant. It's like, "Oh, I'm out in L.A., I'm from Vegas, though." I didn't go to high school in L.A., I didn't grow [up there] and I'm not saying it can't happen still, but it's just like you go to a new city, you're kind of starting fresh. You're kind of starting new, you got to build. And there's nothing wrong with that. But I just feel like I've been doing music for so long. I've built these relationships. People kind of know I'm from Vegas. Moving there, I don't feel like it would, I don't want to say make or break, but I just I don't feel like it does make or break. I feel like the opportunity is more there, so I guess you could say that it'd be a lot more opportunities and you could collaborate more and things of that nature and I actually plan on being in L.A. a lot more. But moving there is a different story. My son goes to school here. He's like, football's, it's just I don't know. It's just it's not in the plans as of now but who knows what the future holds?
How has fatherhood been a part of your life and what has it taught you as an artist?
Euroz: I had patience before, but I think it just gave me just a different level of patience. That's probably the only thing I could take away from besides it gave me content, of course. More substance, I guess. But fatherhood itself just, it trumps everything for me. It really does. I actually have to go get him in just a minute. But yeah, I mean, it's taught me patience. It's taught me responsibility, of course, like on another level, just prioritizing, structured kind of staying on top of things. I'm like a last minute, spur of the moment [kind of guy], all of that changed. You're kind of forced to change. So yeah, I guess I could say that those are the main ways I'd say it changed me.
Yeah your whole life is different when you have a little guy. How does he like playing football?
Euroz: Oh yeah. Yes. It was hard for me to accept initially. I was like damn man 'cause I you know I played ball. I put him in soccer first. I didn't force basketball on him, but then he end up playing basketball. He liked it. And then he played football to get ready for basketball because there's a lot of parallels in terms of footwork, hand-eye coordination, so it translated and when he was playing football, he was like a natural. This is why I was kind of nervous like his first year playing something he's never played, never even trained for. At least for basketball I kind of got him. But like for football, he just pshhh, I don't know, it was just crazy. Definitely, it might be his thing. So yeah, he loves it. He absolutely loves it, actually.
Oh, that's fun. That's really special when it's something that they just like love.
Euroz: Sure, and his games are like amazing. Like, I've been trying to get his highlights, I've been trying to get his mixtape good. He loves watching and he understands now because we break down film together and he kind of gets better. He's 10. Of course he likes to watch his highlights, but he also likes to see where he can improve. He's like crazy on that because at first I used to just kind of tell him what he was doing. But then now when I show him, he gets it right off the bat. It's kind of hard to really get it in real time. He doesn't really get it. But when I show him, slow it down and and show him, he loves it. He loves football and I think this might be his thing.
That's so great. Do you put like cones out in the yard or something?
Euroz: Oh yeah, cones. He has a speed and agility coach with a parachute behind him and stuff. We getting his form right. And he was running fast before he even knew how to technically run. So now he got form and everything. It's just, it's amazing to watch. I didn't think it would be this fun. I really didn't.
It's amazing. There's nothing like that pride and excitement.
Well, what else are you working on? I know you're trying to crank out some content before the year ends?
Euroz: Yes. Well, I have a lot of content, it's just been kind of figuring out how to release it. I don't want to just waste a lot of content. You know, you kind of want to build some momentum. I told myself I wanted to drop initially it was a record a week, but it was like let's do every other week and then after I release a record, I'll probably drop a vlog. I have a lot of content. That's kind of what I've been doing. I'm just terrible at being on social media while I'm recording. I'm just always locked in. I'm not really a social media person. So unless I'm giving content, unless I'm showing you I'm in the studio or something. I plan on dropping an EP before the year ends. It's pretty much finished, it's like a couple records. But before I dropped the EP, I kind of wanted to drop like three or four records that wasn't on it. Just to kind of get back acclimated in this industry. I dropped a project "Choices, Chances, Changes" in the beginning of the year, a video to it. It was supposed to drop at the end of the year, but then it went past, so I dropped it in January for my birthday and then kind of went off the radar. Just can't do shows like they was doing. It was no real way to kind of do anything with the project. But I did want to get it out there, more of a rap body of work that I wanted to get out there. There's no R&B on it. So I just wanted to get it out. But this stuff is just more of a focused effort, videos. We already got like two videos shot, two vlogs, and a whole bunch of music. So I'm ahead of myself this time around so I'm excited about it.
Check out Euroz' Eyesoulated brand and follow him on Instagram and Twitter.